OpenVMS Update
nov 22

OpenVMS Update

We would like to invite you for an OpenVMS Update (Interexperience VMS-sig event) on Wednesday...


We would like to invite you for an OpenVMS Update (Interexperience VMS-sig event) on Wednesday...

  • Dear OpenVMS-user,

    We would like to invite you for an OpenVMS Update (Interexperience VMS-sig event) on  Wednesday Nov, 22, 2017 9:30am-5pm at Hewlett Packard Enterprise Startbaan 16 Amstelveen,  organized by VMSConsultancy/BGSoftware, VMSSoftware and Hewlett Packard Enterprise. 

    The presentations will be in English.

    Agenda as of Nov, 02: 

    09:30-09:45 Welcome Gerrit Woertman, VMSConsultancy

    09:45-10:00 HP Enterprise OpenVMS Update

    10:00-10:45 VSI OpenVMS Update and Roadmap

                                   incl. X86 hardware and storage Gerrit Woertman, VMSConsultancy

    10:45-11:00 Coffee Break

    11:00-11:30 Oracle(Rdb) update

    11:30-12:15 Mimer Database Bengt Gunne, Mimer

    12:15-12:30 VSI varia (training,Blockchain) Gerrit Woertman, VMSConsultancy

    12:30-13:30 Lunch

    13:30-14:00 VMS Advanced File System (VAFS) Camiel Vanderhoeven, VMSSoftware

    14:00-14:45 VSI Porting OpenVMS to X86 Camiel Vanderhoeven, VMSSoftware

    14:45-15:00 Break

    15:00-15:30 VSI Alpha OpenVMS 8.4-2L2 Gerrit Woertman, VMSConsultancy

    15:30-16:15 VSI Services

    16:15-16:45 OpenVMS-look back and look forward

    16:45-17:00 Q&A and Summary all speakers

    17:00-17:30 Drinks/snacks

    Please register in advance!

    Registration with Interexperience: Register here!

    If you encounter problems with registration or have other urgent questions; just send me mail.

    Best regards ,

    Gerrit Woertman

    VSI OpenVMS Ambassador



    Content laden, moment geduld aub
  • Categorie
    OpenVMS SIG
  • Datum en tijd
    22 nov om 09:30 - 22 nov om 17:00
  • Locatie en volledig adres
    Startbaan 16, Amstelveen
  • Evenement beheerders
    Donna Ernst